My Expertise

Graphic Design
Everything from posters, billboards, packaging, logos, & marketing materials.
Deck Strategy & Creation
Branded materials, executive presentations, annual reports and RFPs using storytelling, data, and insights.

Brand Strategy & Identity
The visual personality businesses in order to communicate company promises to customers.

Package Design
Beer cans, book & report printing, swag design & print

Annual Report Design
Annual reports content creation design for nonprofits
Marketing Campaigns
Along with individual design and marketing services, I also have experience in full-scale marketing campaigns including everything from the creation of the campaign, strategy, marketing plan, and campaign physical and digital design collateral.

Jake’s Skate Park Fundraising & Event Planning
Successfully wrote, directed and created design content for skate park fundraising video while managing email marketing and social media campaigns and schedules for the duration of the fundraiser. Wrote, directed and created design content for skate park fundraising video.
Read about the project here.

Midtown Baltimore Brand Identity, Social Media Strategy & Marketing
Created a Branding and Social Media Strategy, including an Implementation & Identity Guide for Midtown Baltimore by interviewing key stakeholders for the foundation. Was able to create final social media strategy and calendar, design assets, branding updates, and direction for implementation. Worked closely with social media manager to setup initial social channel identity, direction, and visuals.
View the strategy at work here.

Baltimore Trash Wheel Design, Marketing, & Merchandising
Designed and illustrated all initial trash wheel characters, beer cans, and merchandise. Created initial print, design, and identities for all trash wheels including all print and digital marketing materials for all trash wheel events from 2014-2021.
Meet the Trash Wheel Family here.

Waterfront Partnership Website Design & Project Management
Designed & created wireframes for the redesign of Waterfront Partnership’s website redesign. Worked with key stakeholders to develop website sitemap, copy, and photography and coordinated with site developers to bring the website to life.
View the final site here.

Baltimore Waterfront Design, Placemaking, & Community Engagement
Created 13-stop Native Plant Walk, showcasing native plant beds along the waterfront in order to educate the public on both native flora and their benefits to the city’s ecosystem. Illustrated dozens of native plants. Designed and installed physical signage for the mile+ long self-guided walk. Worked with the National Aquarium to design & install a sign for their floating wetlands.
Read about the project here.

Rash Field Park Placemaking, Community Engagement, & Event Planning
Created a brand & identity surrounding the park opening, involving a social media strategy, event planning, and a large-scale community engagement project. The community engagement project involved illustrating banners totaling in 100+ feet, and illustrating outline art installed on permanent trash cans in the park painted by community groups and schools all over Baltimore City.
Read about the art project here.
Read about the park opening event here.

Harbor Harvest Design, Marketing, & Event Planning
Planned two annual Harbor Harvest festivals: virtually in 2020 and in-person 2021. This project included event planning and coordination of vendors and volunteers, event branding, marketing, and all digital and print collateral from social media and physical ads, merchandising, and event report follow up.

Inner Harbor Ice Rink 2021 Marketing, Design, & Event Planning
Managed the Inner Harbor Ice Rink print and digital marketing (placement, ad design, and all asset creation). Created all ice rink placemaking and design, including rink side-board design, Zamboni wrap design, tent design, and all physical informative signage. Coordinated with rink staff to manage event schedule and assisted with rink opening.
Read about the opening here.